You want Nominations! Hello Everyone! I hope you are all having a fabulous Tuesday. Where have I been? Well, after finding out I was pregnant on New Year’s Eve I’ve been balancing blissful happiness with fear over my precious bundle. I had a previous high-risk pregnancy with my daughter and as it turned out, this one was destined to be the same. Four weeks ago I was admitted to the hospital with severe preeclampsia and two days later my son was born. He was six weeks early and promptly taken to the NICU. I spent another week in the hospital to deal with all my high blood pressure drama and my son stayed an additional three weeks to overcome some preemie issues. Last Monday he was released and my hubby and I have been happily sleepless ever since. Between my 3-year-old​ and my almost one-month-old, we will never sleep again. Lol! Well, maybe when they grow up…but I doubt it. My writing has taken a serious backseat to my life these last few months and I HATE THAT! I love writing and where my stories are now does not sit well with me. Some of you have voiced the same and I love that! Not that you are frustrated but that you encourage me to finish. With my hubby back to school and my babies with me at home. I plan to take full advantage of nap time. :) Also, I’m sure most of you know that You Want True Blood Nominations are open until 08/31/16. I can say that I have quite a few stories up for your consideration. Please remember to vote for all your favorites. I’m compiling​ my list now. Looking forward to a healthy Fall as my baby weight falls off and my newborn grows stronger. Thank you for following my works, blog and occasional rants. Much love, FairyTaleAmber


8 thoughts on “You want Nominations! Hello Everyone! I hope you are all having a fabulous Tuesday. Where have I been? Well, after finding out I was pregnant on New Year’s Eve I’ve been balancing blissful happiness with fear over my precious bundle. I had a previous high-risk pregnancy with my daughter and as it turned out, this one was destined to be the same. Four weeks ago I was admitted to the hospital with severe preeclampsia and two days later my son was born. He was six weeks early and promptly taken to the NICU. I spent another week in the hospital to deal with all my high blood pressure drama and my son stayed an additional three weeks to overcome some preemie issues. Last Monday he was released and my hubby and I have been happily sleepless ever since. Between my 3-year-old​ and my almost one-month-old, we will never sleep again. Lol! Well, maybe when they grow up…but I doubt it. My writing has taken a serious backseat to my life these last few months and I HATE THAT! I love writing and where my stories are now does not sit well with me. Some of you have voiced the same and I love that! Not that you are frustrated but that you encourage me to finish. With my hubby back to school and my babies with me at home. I plan to take full advantage of nap time. :) Also, I’m sure most of you know that You Want True Blood Nominations are open until 08/31/16. I can say that I have quite a few stories up for your consideration. Please remember to vote for all your favorites. I’m compiling​ my list now. Looking forward to a healthy Fall as my baby weight falls off and my newborn grows stronger. Thank you for following my works, blog and occasional rants. Much love, FairyTaleAmber

  1. Congratulations to you & your family! So exciting! Can’t wait to hear more about your son who is most assuredly adorable! How wonderful that everything turned out well for you both. Wishing you all great happiness & sleep!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations again! I wish you well in sleep and a stronger baby. I know what it’s like. My son was born at 27 weeks and spent a long time in the hospital. If you need anyone to talk to you, I’m here for you. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on your little one. Even with the medical challenges, they are so worth it. And you’re right about not sleeping, with a 3 year old and a new born, you must nap when they do or risk keeling over from sleep deprivation. Take care, and when you have the strength and time start writing again.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations! I’m sorry your pregnancy and childbirth were difficult, but I know that sweet new baby is worth every minute of it. Take care and don’t worry about the writing…sleep whenever you can! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations on the welcome addition to your family. So pleased, and relieved, to hear that you are all well. Enjoy this time, even though at this very moment you’re thinking WTF, with rapidly developing children. You can never get enough of this time when their personalities are developing right before your eyes. Revel in it each and every sleepless day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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